Terms of service
This site is operated by SmartOffice (2020) Limited - 3 Walter Road, Lower Hutt 5013 - by using or accessing the SmartOffice Furniture website and/or being supplied with a power point presentaion and/or placing an online order and/or an order as a result of a quotation acceptance, you agree to be legally bound by these terms and conditions as listed and contained below.
All intellectual property rights in this site (including copyright in all text, graphics, logos, software and icons) are owned by, or licensed to SmartOffice (2020) Limited. Except as expressly authorised by these terms and conditions, you may not, in any form or by any means, copy, adapt, store, distribute or reproduce any part of this site without the written permission of SmartOffice (2020) Limited.
All images, plans, planning information and details as supplied in SmartOffice Furniture power point presentations is/are the intellectual property of SmartOffice (2020) Limited (including copyright in all text, graphics, logos, software and icons) are owned by, or licensed to SmartOffice (2020) Limited. Except as expressly authorised by these terms and conditions, you may not, in any form or by any means, copy, adapt, store, distribute or reproduce any part of a presentation without the written permission of SmartOffice (2020) Limited.
SmartOffice (2020) Limited does not store credit card details. All payments made through the SmartOffice website are processed securely by Windcave PCI compliant payment gateway
SmartOffice (2020) Limited takes your privacy seriously and respects the privacy of any information you provide on this website. SmartOffice (2020) Limited will not rent, sell, share or give personal information about you to other people. However, SmartOffice (2020) Limited may release your data if this is required by a legal process or to establish or exercise our legal rights. If SmartOffice (2020) Limited discovers fraudulent use of any credit card and/or personal information, that information, that has been supplied, may/will be supplied to New Zealand Police and may/will be used in any consequent fraud investigation.
SmartOffice (2020) Limited does not store credit card details. All payments made through the SmartOffice website are processed securely by Windcave PCI compliant payment gateway
Payment Security is managed through Windcave for mutual security. Encryption protection is managed with an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate, industry standard 128bit encryption software.
This site is controlled and operated from New Zealand. We make no representation or warranty that the material in this site is appropriate or available for use in other countries or that such material satisfies the laws of other countries. If you choose to access this site from countries outside New Zealand, you do so of your own initiative. You are responsible for ensuring that your access to this site is not illegal or prohibited and for compliance with applicable local laws. You may not use or export the materials in this site in violation of New Zealand laws and regulations.
You must take your own steps to ensure that the process, which you employ for accessing this site, does not expose you to the risk of viruses or other forms of interference, which may damage your computer system. We do not accept responsibility for any interference or damage to your computer system arising out of or relating to your use of this site or any linked site.
Any information, which you transmit to us, is transmitted through a secure Internet system. All reasonable steps to ensure that this information is secure have been taken but we cannot warrant all information will be secure at all times.This site contains links to other sites. SmartOffice (2020) Limited is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.
You the customer accept that once you have placed an order and receieved an order confirmation and/or invoice, that order confirmation and/or invoice being either computer or manually generated, that the product on that confirmation cannot be reduced/altered and/or cancelled unless agreed by SmartOffice (2020) Limited and payment of all monies/amounts as shown on the order confirmation/invoice is/are due as per payment terms below and must be paid within those payment terms and/or the payment terms as shown on the confirmation. If reductions/alterations and/or cancellations are made/accepted it is at the discretion of SmartOffice (2020) Limited and you accept that if costs are incurred by SmartOffice (2020) Limited as a result of the reductions/alterations and/or cancellations that those costs will be on charged by SmartOffice (2020) Limited to you and payment is to be made immediately. All alteration and/or cancellation requests, if any, must be made in writing and forwarded to admin@smartofficefurniture.co.nz within 1 working day of the date of the order confirmation.
SmartOffice (2020) Limited reserves the right to amend the specifications of any product featured on this site at any time disregarding the fact that any orders may have been already placed and/or confirmed at the time of that specification amendment. All specifications as shown are that as is believed to be correct at the time when loaded on to this site and you accept that SmartOffice (2020) Limited cannot be held responsible for any incorrect specifications that may be shown.
Leather products are made from quality natural leathers and may not be uniform in colour or texture. SmartOffice (2020) Limited does not guarantee that the colour of the leather products will match your colour definition of your monitor.
Actual product and/or fabric and/or material colours may not match your monitor. Wood, Melteca, Powder Coat, Polypropylene and/or any other product colours may not match you monitor. SmartOffice (2020) Limited does not guarantee that the colour of the products will match your colour definition of your monitor.
SmartOffice (2020) Limited reserves the right to change specifications, colours and materials shown in this website or to withdraw products without prior notice at any time disregarding the fact that any orders may have been already placed and/or confirmed at the time of that specification amendment.
At all times SmartOffice (2020) Limited will endeavour to ensure that all specifications are correct and true but will accept no responsibility if they are not. Some products may differ slightly to the image used on this site and/or in quotation presentations..
Products that have been quoted as non standard height and/or size are supplied on the understanding that you the purchaser accept that the measurements have been supplied by yourself and product will be specially manufactured to those non standard measurements as has been provided and stated in SmartOffice (2020) Limited quotations. On order placement you accept that this product is being made as a special to suit your own requirements and therefore is non returnable. You accept full responsibility to check all measurements that have been provided and/or quoted are correct and accepted by you as being correct and you accept that SmartOffice (2020) Limited cannot be held responsible for any incorrect specifications and/or sizes that you have provided and you accept that full payment will be made as requested and subject to SmartOffice (2020) Limited's payment terms.
All screens are made to order and are supplied on the understanding that you the purchaser accept that they have been specially manufactured to your order. On order placement you accept that this product is being made as a special to suit your own requirements and therefore is non returnable.
At all times SmartOffice (2020) Limited will ensure that all product/products listed and/or shown on this site will have a manufacturer's warranty/warranties. Different products may/will be covered by different warranty time periods depending on the type of product and/or the manufacturing company/supplier. All upholstery is excluded from any warranty. All white board warranties are on the board surface only, not frames and/or fittings and only apply when board surface is used with non permanent marker pens and cleaned as per manufacturer's specifications/requirements. A manufacturer's warranty does not cover damage caused by abuse or incorrect use of a product. A manufacturer's warranty does not cover damage to product that may be incurred during delivery transportation. A manufacturer's warranty will not apply to any product that has been modified and/or altered by you the customer and/or your representative and/or used not as designed.
A manufacturer's warranty covers against faulty parts and/or workmanship.
All products listed/shown on this web site are designed for use in New Zealand and all warranty covers are for use of the product within New Zealand only. Any/all products that are exported and/or used outside of New Zealand are void of any warranty and you accept that on order placement that if products are to be exported and/or used outside of New Zealand there is no warranty and you can make no warranty claims
Product and price shown on this website is for supply in New Zealand only.International customers that wish to pursue an inquiry to supply of products as shown on this website are to make inquiry by email to admin@smartofficefurniture.co.nz
If an international customer does not make this inquiry and makes an order and payment by credit card without the written consent of SmartOffice (2020) Limited, SmartOffice (2020) Limited will not supply the product and will credit back to that customer’s credit card the amount of payment made less the percentage as may have been taken by SmartOffice (2020) Limited’s bankers and less a management fee. The credit will be at the current conversion rate at that time and SmartOffice (2020) Limited accepts no loss of monies that the international customer may incur. The international customer also accepts that they have no claim on SmartOffice (2020) Limited for recovery of any debt or additional costs that they may incur as a result of any transaction that has been incurred as a result of the use of this website without the written consent of SmartOffice (2020) Limited.
SmartOffice (2020) Limited reserves the right to limit and/or if necessary not supply product to any customer that has not made payment for the product as per the terms of our payment section. Orders cannot be reduced or altered in any way once they have been confirmed.
Items for sale in this website are subject to stock availability. SmartOffice (2020) Limited will always endeavour to supply your order in its entirety and as quickly as possible, however there may be times that we may not be able to do so. In such cases you will be advised as soon as possible. You accept that the non supplied product/products will be placed on back order and will be supplied as/when stock comes to hand.
Samples are supplied only after consultation and are/is subject to volume requirements and acceptance of a quotation subject to sample approval. Samples are provided no charge if an order is placed as a result of quotation acceptance. If no order is placed SmartOffice (2020) Limited reserves the right to charge freight content costs for both the delivery and collection of the sample/samples and payment is expected immediately to SmartOffice (2020) Limited and is/are subject to the same terms and conditions as that of a purchase of a product as listed on this site. If samples are collected and returned damaged the cost of repair and/or replacement will be charged to the person/company that had had the samples and payment is expected immediately and is/are subject to the same terms and conditions as that of a purchase of a product as listed on this site. If samples are lost, stolen and/or damaged while in the care of the customer and/or prospective customer SmartOffice (2020) Limited reserves the right to charge the full replacement cost of the samples and/or any freight charges relative to the delivery of those samples to the customer and/or prospective customer and payment is expected immediately to SmartOffice (2020) Limited and is/are subject to the same terms and conditions as that of a purchase of a product as listed on this site.
All prices are shown in New Zealand dollars and do not include GST. GST is an additional cost over and above the prices shown and must be paid in the total payment due.
Prices are subject to change without any prior notice. The amount you will pay will be based on the current prices displayed on this website at the time you submit your online order and/or the price as has been quoted to you and is still current within the terms of the date of that quote. If a quoted price has been found to be incorrect and amended from an original quoted price the price for that product will be the amended price. All quotations are for a 5 day period from the date of the quotation. Some may have an extended 30 day period. All quotation pricing is based on an order confirmation within the number of days as stated from the date of that quotation and after that time SmartOffice (2020) Limited reserves the right to review that quotation and all prices contained within. You accept that if quotation costings have been quoted incorrectly and/or components have been missed from a quotation SmartOffice (2020) Limited reserves the right to review that quotation and all prices contained within and provide a replacement/price amended quotation irrelevant of whether an order has been placed.
When a product shows that it has a minimum order quantity then the price as shown on that product applies to each of the items purchased/ordered based on the minimum quantity as shown, and delivery pricing either free or priced per item apply. If you purchase/order less than the minimum quantity as shown then neither item price shown nor delivery pricing shown either free or priced per item apply. Product price change and delivery cost change, if any, will be advised accordingly and need to be accepted by you before the purchase/order will proceed.
All installation pricing is based on the installation team being able to have easy building/site access with the ability of reasonable parking. If site access is and/or parking may be limiting and those limits cause extra time and or costs over and above that budget at the time of an installation quotation the additional cost incurred will be additional to the quoted price and is payable by the customer irrelevant of the fact that these limitations are caused by the customer or some other party. Installation pricing is also based on you the client removing any furniture or fittings so as to provide a clean/clear area being made available for assembly. If clean/clear area is not provided at the time installation team arrive and this causes waiting time delays that time will be charged as a cost over and above that budget at the time of an installation quotation and this additional time cost incurred will be additional to the quoted price and is payable by the customer.
All product and freight is priced with payment due by way of New Zealand dollars with payment by Direct Money Transfer from your Pacific Island account with no NZ GST charges. If payment was to be made from a New Zealand account the invoice total would attract NZ GST requirement and GST would be added and would need to be paid accordingly.
All payments must be made at time of invoice. No product will be loaded until full payment has been cleared and received into SmartOffice (2020) Limited's bank account.
Quotation prices as shown/quoted/provided is/are CAF (Cost and Freight) Port only and/or the designated Island Port as required with your care for all insurance, local port, local custom charges/cost and local delivery charges/costs at/from the port to your address, and you accept that on order placement all insurances is your care. SmartOffice (2020) Limited cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss once products depart SmartOffice (2020) Limited's designated shipping agents yard.
On order placement where the company/organisation placing the order has selected to use their own shipping agent and have not accepted SmartOffice (2020) Limited CAF quotation, SmartOffice (2020) Limited will deliver to that requested shipping agent free subject to that shipping agent being Auckland based, and you, the company/organisation placing the order, accept that on order placement all insurances are your care and SmartOffice (2020) Limited cannot be held responsible for costs of export shipment and/or for any damage or loss once products have been delivered to the designated shipping agents yard.
All products listed/shown on this web site are desgined for use in New Zealand and all warranty covers are for use of the product within New Zealand only. Any/all products that are exported and/or used outside of New Zealand are void of any warranty and you accept that on order placement that if products are to be exported and/or used outside of New Zealand there is no warranty and you can make no warranty claims
All care will be taken to ensure products are booked/loaded/dispatched on the next available transport, however SmartOffice (2020) Limited reserves the right to amend the delivery time frame and if necessary increase this time frame if major delays are incurred by way of manufacturer supply or by way of adverse freight issues/conditions that develop outside of SmartOffice (2020) Limited's control. When placing/confirming an order you the customer accept that if delivery delays occur that any costs incurred that may arise as a result of delivery delays are at your cost and SmartOffice (2020) Limited cannot be held responsible or accountable for any of those costs.
All product supplied by Smartoffice Limited remains the exclusive property of SmartOffice (2020) Limited until full payment as charged by SmartOffice (2020) Limited has been received.
SmartOffice (2020) Limited only accepts Visa or MasterCard credit card payments and/or direct credit payment into SmartOffice (2020) Limited's bank account. No cheque payments and/or other forms of payment are accepted.
You accept that on order placement you have accepted that payment must be made immediately by credit card or within seven (7) days if payment is being made by way of direct credit. Product will only be dispatched once payment has been received. An approved account holder accepts that payment must be made in full by direct credit payment no later than 14 days from date of product delivery. You accept that if payment is not made within our payment terms then you are liable for additional costs to SmartOffice (2020) Limited as per (a)(b)(c) as listed below.
All orders where payments are made by credit card will be accepted on the condition that the credit card used is being used by the legitimate owner of that credit card. If SmartOffice (2020) Limited discovers fraudulent use of any credit card, New Zealand Police involvement and fraud investigation will be enforced with recovery of all costs for the supply of product and/or recovery of the product and/or all costs with regard to legal and interest and any other costs associated with the recovery of these costs will be sought by due process from the person who placed the order of the original product.
When SmartOffice (2020) Limited accepts an order on the understanding/agreement that that order will be paid for by a third party/finance company, you accept that if the third party/finance fails to make payment within seven days of the date of the SmartOffice (2020) Limited invoice as emailed to both yourself and your appointed finance company, that payment will be immediately made by the company and/or person who placed the order and you accept that if payment is not made within our payment terms then you are liable for additional costs to SmartOffice (2020) Limited as per (a)(b)(c) as listed below.
All orders where payment is to be made by direct credit, payment shall be considered due and will fall due for payment as soon as goods are ordered. Should payment in full not be made to SmartOffice (2020) Limited within seven days after that due date or within the SmartOffice (2020) Limited pre approved extended time frame that will be allowed from time to time for large volume orders, then:
(a) the contracting party shall pay interest on all amounts outstanding at a rate which is 5% above the rate charged over the relevant period by SmartOffice (2020) Limited’s bankers on primary level overdraft advances to SmartOffice (2020) Limited; and
(b) SmartOffice (2020) Limited shall be entitled to sue forthwith for the recovery of all outstanding monies and interest thereon; and
(c) any costs incurred by SmartOffice (2020) Limited in connection with recovery action taken in respect of outstanding money interest and other charges shall be payable by the contracting party on demand.
SmartOffice (2020) Limited reserves the right to ask for an advanced payment/deposit to be made by all/or any new customer and/or returning customer that has been allowed extended credit terms and/or where the order is of a substantial dollar value. The substantial dollar value is as determined solely by SmartOffice (2020) Limited and is non negotiable.
Products that have been quoted as special manufacture off shore of New Zealand are subject to a payment/deposit at the time of order confirmation of not less than 50% of the value of the total order value including GST with the balance being made at time of manufacturing completion and/or when/if stock is made available from another country and before time of shipment from foreign port. SmartOffice (2020) Limited reserves the right to increase the amount of the deposit and/or ask for full payment at time of order placement if the product order is specific to your requirements and/or if SmartOffice (2020) Limited decides.
SmartOffice (2020) Limited defines Education Establishments, for the purpose of account billing, as those Education Establishments as being recognised by the New Zealand Government as being so. This billing facility is not available for private Education Establishments and/or associated Education Establishments. Interpretation as relates to the definition of Education Establishments is that as is defined by SmartOffice (2020) Limited.